It's about the ONE



This morning we started our first post-camp Campaigners (small group/Bible study) with a group of girls. was supposed to be a group of girls, but only one showed up.

To be honest, I was pretty bummed.

I have known Catie since she was a teeny, little 11 year old in WyldLife club. ​ She is now 17. She's been to a number of different camps with us, and I would consider her to be one of the girls I am the closest to.

Catie can often struggle to open up, trusting adults, or being vulnerable in general is difficult for her—she's been taught throughout her life to be "strong," to never show her weaknesses. But this morning she walked in and all it took was an excited "Catie! You are here! How are you?!" to open up the floodgates.

Within the short hour we were together she shared about some stuff going on at home—a family incarceration, a sibling who'd recently relapsed on drugs, and a CPS report she had to make. Her heart was broken, as was mine as I listened—holding the tension of pain she is experiencing, while also recognizing the honor it is that she is willing to trust me.

By the end of our time there was no magically fix, but together we prayed, made a plan to introduce her to a licensed counselor, and set up our next time to hang out.

"I don't think I would have had the guts to share this if more girls showed up," she said, "I am really thankful that at least for today, it was just me." ​ "Me too, Catie, me too."

-Sammi, Young Life ONE Leader in San Diego, CA



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